Động cơ không chổi than X-NOVA V2 Lightning 2208-2700KV FPV | 4 óc
Giá bán: 1,750,000 VNĐ
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Trạng thái:
Mã sản phẩm : XN_V2L_2208-2700
Bạn vui lòng chọn thuộc tính X
1 Hộp 4 Motor
- Mindblowing racing performance
- Mortise and tenon structure
- Smooth and powerful
- Ultra-light weight
- Unique prop-lock design
- High performance and finest CNC quality
- Ultimate efficiency
- Low cogging torque and smooth running
- Precisely balanced and fully tested
- Kv Rating: 2700Kv
- Idle Current (10V): 2.6 A
- Input Voltage: 4S
- Internal Restistance: 36mΩ
- Weight: 36g
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