Emax Tinyhawk II Indoor FPV Racing Drone F4 5A 16000KV RunCam Nano2 700TVL 37CH 25/100/200mW VTX 1S-2S - BNF ( Frsky D8 )
Giá bán: 1,999,000 VNĐ
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Mã sản phẩm : 0110001096
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Emax Tinyhawk II Indoor FPV Racing Drone F4 5A 16000KV RunCam Nano2 700TVL 37CH 25/100/200mW VTX 1S-2S - BNF
Xin lưu ý : Các sản phẩm FPV - Không bảo hành
Đối với anh em mơi chơi : Lưu ý tìm hiểu thật kỹ , kiểm tra thật kỹ
Chú ý Tắt Arm ngay khi motor không quay hoặc máy bay rơi - tránh việc motor bị kẹt cháy motor / esc
* Frame
Wheelbase: 75mm
Dry Weight: 31.2g
All Up Weight: 43.5g with 1x 450mAh 1S battery
Frame Material: Polypropylene
* Motors
Stator Size: 0802
Kv: 16000kv
Propeller Mount: Push-On Avan TH-style
Propeller: Avan Turtlemode 4-Blade
* All-In-One (AIO) Flight Controller
Flight Controller: F4 (MATEKF411RX Firmware)
ESC: 4-in-1 5A BlHeli_S
Receiver: EMAX SPI Receiver (Compatible with FrSky D8 mode)
Battery Connector: JST-PH2.0
* FPV System
VTX Power: 25/100/200mw Switchable
Channels: 37CH incl. Raceband
Camera: RunCam Nano 2 1/3" 700TVL CMOS
Smart Audio Connected
* Includes
1x Tinyhawk II BNF
1x EMAX 450mAh 1S HV Battery
1x EMAX 300mAh 2S HV Battery
2x CCW + 2x CW Spare Props
1x 1S-2S USB LiPo Charger
1x Screwdriver + Hardware Kit

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